An Artist's book is a combination of book and a work of art
I have begun my career as a bookbinder but the passion for artistic expression made me experiment what I can do in my books. For me, binding a book is about researching, thinking, feeling and living on a theme and material until the book is ready. I am fascinated by the threedimensional shape of the book and over the years I have developed my own style that plays with structures of a book. I’ve done quite sculptural books, as well as a variety of artist’s books for nearly 20 years.
An artist’s book is a combination of a book and a work of art, the whole of which has been created by the artist herself/himself. A fine binding is a bookbinder’s masterpiece, in which the expression is based on a printed book and in which the binder’s skills and view of the book create a work of art from the book. When I later studied to be a visual artist, my artist’s books also gained new winds to content. Artist’s books are still important, although abstract paintings have become my main form of expression for me.